Mobile Apps

Test Constantly Evolving Mobile Apps.

Do you keep up-to-date with the latest mobile security vulnerabilities? How do you know if third-party mobile apps are secure? Does the app you are developing possess adequate security controls?

Today’s enterprise is increasingly mobile and can offer multiple routes for hackers to compromise a network via unauthorized or unsecured apps. Whether you are developing your own app or using a third-party app, we can help you analyze and test it.

We analyze apps on Android and iOS platforms and test apps that operate locally or as part of back-end web services or APIs.

Examples of Mobile App Flaws

  • Improper use of platform security controls

  • Insecure data storage

  • Improperly secured communications

  • Improper session management and authentication

  • Incorrectly implemented cryptography

  • Failure to use client-side authorization

  • Code level flaws

  • App reverse engineering and code tampering

  • Backdoor functions or internal security control exploitation

Find & Fix Security Gaps Before It’s Too Late

Let’s talk about how Packet Ninjas' proactive testing and strategies will strengthen your enterprise security.

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