
Identify Vulnerabilities in Your Network.

Where is your network vulnerable? Is your network weakened by default passwords, missing system patches or mis-configured devices? Are there weaknesses that can be exploited internally?

First, we scan for vulnerabilities in your network via security weaknesses associated with your modem, wireless, external internet access, internal internet access, role-based or unknown application flaws. Then we simulate real-world attacks to access their potential for exploitation.

Weaknesses We Have Exposed During Testing:

  • Design, implementation and logic Flaws

  • Memory corruption flaws

  • Insecure encryption implementations

  • Broken access control or malicious use of user IDs

  • Broken authentication

  • Insecure configuration management

  • Insecure storage and transport

  • Buffer overflows

  • Denial of service

  • Operating System vulnerabilities

  • Web Server vulnerabilities

  • Database vulnerabilities

  • Business Logic bugs

Find & Fix Security Gaps Before It’s Too Late

Let’s talk about how Packet Ninjas' proactive testing and strategies will strengthen your enterprise security.

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